
Yes..........I got the stomach bug from Miller......I have been..... well you know all day long. I feel like crap. Literally. I'll post tomorrow.


Kelli said…
I'm sorry, Jen! Sending prayers and (((hugs)))
Diane Meyer said…
Hopefully entering Bloggy giveaways like you arre obviously doing, will help you feel better. You must be my coffee-sistah, as our blogs seem to have at least coffee in common. Hope you feel better tonight. You are entered in my drawing.
jennwa said…
I hope you feel better soon.
Seriously!! You have paid your dues already! I do hope you feel better tomorrow and tonight is very uneventful for you.

Ugg - I am so sorry Jen!

Sandra said…
I'm sorry Jen, I hope you start feeling better soon.

mom of 2 said…
oh no...hope you are feeling better soon!
Ugh, hope you feel lots better soon, Jen. Take care {{{hugs}}}
kari and kijsa said…
Hope you are feeling better soon!

blessings, kari & kijsa
Erika said…
I hope you feel better soon.
No fun Jen. :(
I hope you feel better soon.
Ann(ie) said…
Get to feeling better, love!
Oh! I was hoping you would escape it. I'm sorry....I hope you feel better soon, Jen.
Renee said…
Hope your feeling better soon! Stop over whenever you get the chance. I have an award for you. Play along only if you want.
Shawna said…
I sure hope you're feeling better by now. The stomach bug is the.worst.