
I need some advice...I'm looking to eat healthier and need some blogs that can help me save money while buying some organic items....or a blog with healthy recipes...I'm trying to move my family away from processed things slowly. A big transition I know....We have our garden in the summer so it will be easier then....but for now....if you eat healthy...where do u get your recipes and how can I save money buying whole foods/organic items. I went today and looked but thought my pocket book would start crying.

Thank you blog friends! If you lurk....and want to email me on a private

If you watch what you eat...send me ideas!!!

For more Works for me Wednesdays....go


2cats said…
Here is a fitness/healthy blog that just started. I have been following Dawn's other blog for a while now and she is a treasure.

As I find them I will let you know.
Andrea said…
Hey Jen! I haven't posted in awhile, but I still read. I am trying to get back on track with my blog!!! Anyway, I try very hard to cook and eat healthy. I have found that it is very hard and expensive to do completely organic so I pick some things. Start with organic much better for you especially with a don't want her drinking all those hormones. I also watch the sales at grocery stores and when Lauras meet is on sale I will buy extra of that. Target, Walmart, and Krogers all have good organic sections and again I just watch the sales. A website I LOVE is The reason I love them is because they take meals that normal people like and they tweak them and make them healthier. I have the cookbook and have tried alot of their recipes and my kids do like them. They make simple changes like reducing fat and calories and just improving nutrition. Let me know if you have any other questions. I am no expert, but I do like to talk about this subject! :)
Andrea said…
Sorry that would be "meat"...ha ha!!!
Debbie said… is a place where I order stuff Kroger for my meat from
Christina said…
I love Whole Foods, but your right, the prices make me feel like crying. I have noticed thought that more supermarkets are stocking up on organic foods so I'm hopeful this will eventually drive the market down in price. I just found a site called who has tutorials, or classes that have topics like buying organic on a budget, or what she refers to as bob. I am learning a lot from this site. I will keep looking and can't wait to see what others recommend.
Christina said…
PS I was just reading the post by Andrea. I buy viva milk which they sell here at Whole Foods, but I buy at the commissary, and if you read the label it says no artificial growth hormones on the label, so if you aren't ready for the price of organic yet then you could at least be assured that the hormones that are no good for growing girls are not in this product.
Sandra said…
Wish I had something to contribute, but I don't, I'm interested to see what everyone has to say though :)
Tina Leigh said…
WE are meat eaters here. We hunt & fish & eat that first. Deer is lean & good for you. A friend grows a cow for us when we need one. I buy lots of localy grown veggies but they are not organic. I think the word "Organic" is over rated mostly. Like you dips wayyyyy down in the purse! I dont trust the word either. To grow a true "Organic" is VERY expensive & I think nearly impossible....the work to keep it organic is never ending!! So I just try to eat right. Frozen foods, box foods & cereals are just a few processed foods to avoid. Good luck girl!!!