
I haven't really talked about it. Because when I do I get really sad. But I thought I would share with you all...Lucky passed away in my arms at home on Thursday night January 6th. It was sudden and fast. He had suffered from liver failure throughout the holidays and our wonderful vet helped get him thru Christmas. Lucky knew he couldn't leave us at that time.
He was tired....I came home Thursday afternoon from taking Madison to the bus to cheer....he crawled up into my lap while Miller was watching tv. Miller was petting him. He looked at me and growled...then took his last breath. It was peaceful. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
I rushed him to the vet in his favorite parents came....Scott came....we cried together.
Scott went to get Madison at the game and we took her to the vet where she fell apart like a little girl. We had Lucky before we had out girl.
Friday Lucky was cremated. We picked him up on Monday and he was put inside an urn.
I miss my sweet Lucky dog.
But I believe he is on Rainbow Bridge waiting for us....
Lucky was 16 years old....he lived a good life..better than some humans....
He taught me and my family so much and I'm forever thankful to him.
Love you bud.
He was tired....I came home Thursday afternoon from taking Madison to the bus to cheer....he crawled up into my lap while Miller was watching tv. Miller was petting him. He looked at me and growled...then took his last breath. It was peaceful. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
I rushed him to the vet in his favorite parents came....Scott came....we cried together.
Scott went to get Madison at the game and we took her to the vet where she fell apart like a little girl. We had Lucky before we had out girl.
Friday Lucky was cremated. We picked him up on Monday and he was put inside an urn.
I miss my sweet Lucky dog.
But I believe he is on Rainbow Bridge waiting for us....
Lucky was 16 years old....he lived a good life..better than some humans....
He taught me and my family so much and I'm forever thankful to him.
Love you bud.
Big, big hugs,
My first pony was named Lucky and he lived a long and full life.