Friday Favortie Things

1. Spent Wednesday by myself shopping. Got some good deals. It was nice to go where I wanted to shop and not drag any children screaming out of stores...
2. Tracking the weather...there have been some small storms come thru nothing big...but next week they are predicting a winter storm...I love to track them. When we lived in Florida I traced hurricanes all the time.
3. Writing in my blog again. I have missed it and I haven't missed it. This week its given me something to work at. And I have enjoyed it.
4. Dinner tonight with Scott...cannot wait. New place called JP's. I have gone to lunch there with my mom...very good food!
5. The Worst Cooks of this show....such a good one!
For more hop on over to see Suzanne...she hosts this every Friday! Thanks Suzanne!
I LOVE shopping by myself. It's good therapy. And cheaper than real therapy.
Hope you're having a good weekend!