Monday is here yet again!

FOR TODAY...Monday...July 26th

Outside my window...sprinkles of rain on the pool...

I am thinking...of the new work out I'm starting today. Jillian Michaels Making the Cut.

I am thankful children

I'am pink shorts and a tank

I am remembering...what the last days of summer feel like

I am where and getting my schedule together.

I am reading...Making the Cut.

I am finalize school stuff this week for both kids.

On my

From the learning rooms...writing Miller with a pencil. Still!

Noticing that....I need to learn to give it to God.

Pondering these words...School

From the kitchen...Burgers, Pork Chops, Baked Ravioli....canning a little this week!

What are we doing this week.....Gymnastics, church, lunch with Madison, 1 playdate for Miller, meeting at church, school registration for Madison,tball practice, dinner with an old friend, soccer registration, carpet cleaners are coming!

Around the house..needing to clean the house from top to bottom...hoping I can get some started this week! Hoping to organize the hall closet!

One of my favorite things....watching it rain.
