
One day she will look at this and say......wasn't life simple?

Madison & Miller at the beach 2007


Family W said…
Great picture. :)
Sandra said…
There's something about pictures like that, that I just adore, how beautiful Jen :)
Karen said…
Beautiful picture. You should frame it. I tagged you for a meme:) I know you have a lot of time on your hands! (ha!)
Yes, she will. We all look back and think that, at times.

I agree - you should definitely frame that one. It's a beautiful picture.

Shawna said…
What a gorgeous and special picture! I am sure your children will treasure this forever.

My, haven't they grown?!
Oh so sweet! And yes, a great one to frame.
Barb said…
You got some of the most beautiful photos on that beach vacation, Jen. I love this photo. And yes, life doesn't get much simpler that this.