The road to recovery...hopefully

Miller is doing better...although he didn't sleep very well last night. He is however coughing that crud up. And his nose is running like a faucet. He wont take his medicine...he is gagging it up and vomiting...any suggestions anyone? He is doing better on the breathing treatments...they end tomorrow morning. My mom is helping me out alot..what would we do without our moms?
I'm supposed to go to Nashville with friends this weekend Christmas shopping. 5 couples actually. This has been planned for about 9 say a prayer Miller gets well fast..which he is on the road to recovery no more that we can still head out Saturday. Miller and Madison are supposed to stay with my mom....moms are great!
I'm making Salmon Patties tonight....turnip greens....and mac & cheese. Maybe we might make Christmas Cookies today depending on how Miller is feeling. I need a new cookie cutter.....
Well, this is short today.....hope you all are well.
I have a freind who waits until her son is asleep to do the final breathing treatment of the day. I have not ever done them, so i don't know if you are supposed to do that or not.
Hope he gets to feeling better.
I found that with my kids I had to add it to their cereal or snack and they would take it that way :)
Hope he feels better soon,
Hugs to you,
When does he get the tubes put in?
Hope you're able to go take care of the shopping.