So today is Shannon's Backwards let me have it.

I need some snack ideas for the kids...we do the normal...pretzels, cheese cubes, crackers, smoothies, cookies, fruit.....what is your child's favorite snack? My kids are 11 and 2 1/2 so lets get real......

For more problem solving check out Shannon....


April said…
boiled eggs...all 3 of mine(11, 9 and 20 months) loves them
Laura said…
Here's a link to a post I wrote with a huge list of snack ideas my kids love. Hope you find something there you like! (My kids are 3, 6, 8 and 11) (And they eat all the time.) :)
Mrs. Sprinkles said…
My kids (3 and 20 months) love mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil cut up. They also like hummus with chips (they'll lick the hummus off the chip and then put the chip back in the dip...yuck!). They also like popcorn, of course, though we don't usually have that because it's a little messy.
Karen said…
My 15 yr old doesn't snack, he eats 5 course meals, so no ideas there. But my 11 year old likes fruit cut up with a peanut butter/honey dip, Go-gurts or yogurt in any form, trail mix, mini bagels. Mostly fruit of ANY kind. I wish I liked fruit (sigh)
Kimberly said…
Easy - raisins and banana chips, hands down!
Shannon said…
My kids enjoy trail mix, popcorn and yogurt parfaits. Craisins are a big hit, too.
Shawna said…
My boys all love boiled eggs, too. They eat yogurt and pudding, fruit snacks, graham crackers, any crackers, really.
Andrea said…
All 3 of mine like those new gogurts..the Fizz ones. I checked the box and they actually have less sugar then some of the cartons of yogurt. They enjoy peanut butter crackers, apple slices and pb, cheese stix, and popcorn.
Christy said…
Mine eat applesauce (they love the no sugar added strawberry applesauce), yogurt, laughing cow cheese and wheat thins, cheese sticks, baked lays, baked cheetos, cut up fruit, granola and yogurt, 100 calorie bags of Kettle Corn, and they really like it when I mix a few M&Ms, raisins or craisins, cheezits or goldfish, cheerios and peanuts together (like a trailmix).
Anonymous said…
My eldest loves string cheese. Its good for you and takes longer to eat, so he feels like he's getting more to snack on than he is and my toddlers adore gummy fruits. (Also, each child has a water bottle filled up in the fridge so they can get their own drinks anytime. Most adults tend to snack when really our bodies are just thirsty and we've found its true for our kids too. Not that they don't snack, just not as often as before the water bottles.
Looks like you have some good ideas! When Katelyn is here she likes goldfish, cheese crackers, dried cherries, juice bars...things like that. Fruit is a good one too.
SH said…
popcorn, cheese nips, banana slices with peanut butter
Sliced bananas with peaunt butter on them. And crackers and cheese.
megret7 said…
Smoothies -- vanilla yogurt, frozen fruit of choice, and a tad of milk and/or OJ. (Pretty filling, though, so might want to watch how close snacktime is to mealtime.) :)
Christina said…
Our snacks here are a lot like yours. I have got my kids hooked on Dreyers slow churned yogurt blends. I like the word yogurt in it. I don't know if it is much healthier, but it sure does taste like real ice cream. Salsa and chips, yogurt, string cheese, pretty much the same, nothing too interesting. One thing they love is pepperoni, cheese and crackers. The pepperoni comes already sliced and so does the cheese and the Ritz makes a good whole wheat cracker.
smileymamaT said…
here the kids are 10, 12, and 15....
they like granola bars, fresh green beans/pea pods from the backyard garden (aka the "pick-ur-own Salad Buffet"), hard boiled eggs, boiled and cooled sweet potatoes, cookies, vegetable thins, cheese cubes, pudding cups or jello, apples. Oh yeah, string cheese.
Tasha L. said…
Whole grain crackers & cheese
Vegetable juice w/string cheese
Almonds w/raisins
Fruit – (apple, orange, pear, banana, berries, melon, grapefruit, grapes, peach, plum)
Applesauce (no sugar added type)
Dried fruit (raisins, plums, apricots, figs)
Rice cakes
Cottage cheese with fruit (pineapple, peaches, etc.)
Peanut butter banana milkshake (1 c. milk, 1 banana, 1 Tbs. p-nut butter, 1 Tbs. honey, ice. Blend well)
Celery sticks w/peanut butter & raisins
Peanut butter balls (peanut butter, honey, oats, coconut, raisins, mixed together, rolled in balls, and chilled)
Rice pudding (cooked brown rice w/cinnamon & honey, with milk on it)
Cinnamon toast
Banana slices w/nut butter
Fruit & sprout balls
Trail mix
Muffins or quick bread
And, at this time of year, fresh produce from the garden! Cherry tomatoes are so yummy!
Ann(ie) said…
I love this post. I'm getting the best ideas!! Thank you! =)