Where to go?

Gatlinburg, Tn

New Orleans, La

If you could go to either place with your spouse and some friends which would you go to and why....even you lurkers speak up.
We wont be going until next March.


I vote Gatlinburg, definitely! We love it up there :)
Michelle said…
Probably TN - no particular reason except that pic you posted - it looks really pretty there!
Sandra said…
Gatlinburg TN....I've heard really good things about it and it looks gorgeous, definitely where I would go :)
I think I'd say Gatlinburg too, we've liked it the times we've been there! At first I thought I'd say no to New Orleans since there seem to be so many storms coming through the Gulf now but I think you said your trip wasn't til next spring so that shouldn't be a problem then. But I would probably pick TN.
Andrea said…
Gatlinburg. New Orleans is not that great! Trust me! ;)
Susanne said…
I basically know nothing about each but that scenery picture you showed of Galinburg is definitely drawing me!
Susanne said…
And of course, I should proof read before hitting publish. That should say Gatlinburg. :v)
Melissa said…
I'm going to go the opposite of everyone else and say New Orleans. Gatlinburg looks beautiful but I used to live in a town exactly like it, so going there wouldn't necessarily be a vacation for me and I've always wanted to see New Orleans.
Ann(ie) said…
Ditto Melissa. I gotta go with New Orleans. I've always wanted to go! Both look fabulous, though!
Overwhelmed! said…
I've never been to either place but I think I would try New Orleans first, just because we've heard more about what's available there for entertainment. Let us know what you decide.
Tina Leigh said…
I've never been to N.O. but recentyly one of the nurses I work with went and one of the doc's has been too. Neither liked it. Danny has been but it was years ago. He said it is a nasty place. Who knows? I LOVE THE MOUNTAINS....so you know that would always be my choice. There is a variety of thing s to do there...plenty of good clean fun to get into. Can I go with yall?
Definitely Gatlinburg. I haven't been there yet myself but it's much more beautiful that N.O. N.O. is dirty and overrated.
Anonymous said…
I vote Gatlinburg! I lived in the area of Gatlinburg until February. It is gorgeous and has a sense of romance