TGIF!!!!! aunt Glenda who was only 47 years old passed away early this morning. She had diabetes. Please keep my family in your prayers. She has a daughter Ashley who is her 20's.
Good Morning everyone! Well it's another nice day. The sun is shining...not sure for how long..but it is shining. I have showered and fed Madison gotten her up and going as school pictures are today. Miller has his music class this morning...pray for me....we have been twice and he continuously wont listen to me. He wants to play the darn keyboards and they get to play these but for only a couple of minutes and they move on...well he doesn't want to move give me some strength and courage today to walk back in there and wrestle with him.Yesterday I took him to see what we call Touch A Truck.....the area businesses bring their BIG trucks to the park and close areas off so little kids can get up in them and get pictures made with them...we did the Post Office Truck, Dump Trucks, Concrete Trucks, Military Vehicles, a Helicopter, an Ambulance, Firetruck, a get the idea...pretty cool....Miller enjoyed it but not the lines we had to stand in..that was an obstacle for me.
Tonight is our first home football game....and its Homecoming. We are going. Actually with 20 of our friends and their kids...we are eating dinner and heading over. I always loved all know I was queen in it's always a big deal for me....and Madison.
I guess I have rambled on enough...I hope you all have a great day.
Enjoy the game!
The Touch A Truck sounds like an awesome idea! What fun.
Boy, you guys are having homecoming early, huh? Here is usually about 1/2 way into the season or so.
Have fun and have a great weekend, Jen! :0)
I'll keep all of you in my prayers.
That's so funny that Miller wants to play the keyboard. I know boys can be very persistent, but he knows what he wants and he's going for it. Can't fault him for that. Why can't he just stay with the keyboard? I know it's a class but maybe the teacher can be flexible here. Boys are headstrong, but it's part of what makes them achieve. Just try to go with the flow because I can tell you it will make your life a lot easier. With boys just discipline on the big issues, the rest don't sweat, otherwise you will be disciplining him the entire day, as you've probably figured out. Good luck and let us know how the next class goes.