Mondays at Peggy's

For Today...September 15th
Outside my Window...A mess. We had tropical storm winds yesterday morning. Outside my window are down tree limbs, my flowers in hanging baskets split in 3's, debris and trash, Miller's tree house in 3 pieces, lawn furniture everywhere and tree's uprooted.....a true mess.
I am thinking...We have alot to clean up. And alot going on with the funeral too. We lost power yesterday for 10 hours so I couldn't get alot of things done.
From the learning rooms...Miller needs to make up a music class and go to another one this week....we are working on the letter C.
I am thankful for... electricity. Not having it yesterday reminded me of this. I'm thankful for my family also in the death of my aunt on comes together in good and bad.
From the kitchen...the visitation is tonight. So I don't plan on cooking. We will just eat something fast. My menu will be little this week.
I am wearing...pajama pants and a white tank.
I am time this week.
I am hoping...that the next couple of days will go by easy. I need peace and God's hands to hold me up. Funeral Homes are not easy...esp when its family.
I am creating...a list of things for tomorrow and tonight.
I am hearing... the washer and dryer starting up for the day
Around the up outside this morning. Picking up limbs and such. Doing some laundry..ironing our clothes for the funeral....not a whole lot.
One of my favorite things...peanut butter and chocolate
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The aunts funeral, 3 tests for Madison, gymnastics and only 2 games to cheer at....a music class, getting my hair done, a movie and dinner with girlfriends at the end of the week...thank God for them
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...some of the storm from our was wild. We had gusts clocked up to 70mph...crazy. We were in we didn't see alot of it....God protected us.

I hope you all have a great week...please keep my family in prayer and thoughts...for more daybooks please stop by Peggy''s getting bigger and bigger each week....The Simple Woman.
I am also so sorry that the storm happened on this week of all weeks-but you are right about God's hands holding you up. He always will!
So sorry to hear of your aunt's passing... sending up a prayer for you now!
Thanks for the glimpse into your home this morning!
Prairie Dreams
We had a lot of trees down too. No electricity from 9am Sunday until about 3am this morning. It was very scary to have such winds. We had 7 trees down on 2 roads. Thankfully with wonderful neighbors along w/their tractor and some strong backs we were able to clear them. Then, since we didn't have electricity and my neighbors did we had a yummy lunch at their house. Dinner was a cold cheeseburger but we were thankful we were all ok and safe in our basement house.
I'm so glad you didn't have more damage than you did from the storm. We had a lot of wind here, but thankfully didn't lose power. It's amazing how much you take for granted, whenever we lose power, I still go into a room and flip on the light switch! I'm glad it came back on for you guys and hope you didn't lose any food in your fridge or freezer.
Take care and have a good week, as best as you can under the circumstances :)
I can't believe the weather and the damage it's been causing everywhere.
Sorry about your aunt and the funeral. Hope your week goes ok!
And hope Madison had fun at the dance!
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers this week.
Wish I could give you a hug.