Merry St. Patty's Day?

So, I have alot going on today...running errands and your probably wondering why I have a picture of a house with Christmas lights.....okay Scott and I have been driving around town alot looking at houses ya's March people TAKE DOWN THE DARN CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ......Christmas isn't for another 8 months.....when St Patrick's Day is knocking at your door....Santa Claus needs to be put away. It's killing me people......What am I supposed to say? Merry St.Patty's Day?
Have a good one everyone.....I'll come see you all tonight. Dont forget about American Idol.
Oh girl..I've got American Idol DVR''s an addiction. =)
I'm off to get that pesky jack-o-lantern off the porch next to the couch..LOL
Have ya found a house yet?