
Madison at the Olive Garden 1/08
Dearest Madison,
I wanted to write you a letter…it’s the night before you graduate to the 6th grade. You have grown into a beautiful young lady whom I’m proud to call my daughter. It is just like yesterday we started kindergarten with Ms. Pat. You were such a determined little girl. Strong willed and hot tempered….I can do it myself momma. When I left you in that big school gym that morning I cried all the way to work….you….stood there with a smile on your face…strong enough for the both of us. As that year went by…we had our troubles…you loved school so much though. First grade came with Mrs. Grubbs and oh how we loved her so much. She got you and could look at you and make you melt in two minutes. Still can. First grade you kissed Carter and Prather and oh how I could have just died…but you were such a flirt….You thought you couldn’t live without either boy….guess what? You have. Second grade Mrs. Wulff. You started to meet your good friends. You were so sick this year. Strep more times than we could count..your first time in the hospital. So strong. You were so brave and always has been . I was so proud of you. Third grade came and we decided to have a baby. You were so supportive and excited. We had Holly Hall….and you had all your friends in class. It wasn’t the best year in school…but Miller came into our lives and forever changed us all. You grew up over night. You are such a great big sister. He thinks so much of you and loves you so much.
But third grade came sadness as well. Papaw Dub passed away this year. But as usual you were the strong willed one. You knew he was fine and in Heaven. You reassured us we would see him again. We buried him that spring and you smiled…no tears. You are so strong…..I know I keep saying this…but you are. You have that Miller in you. That strong willed woman. Don’t you ever forget this.
Fourth grade came and it was a great year for us. We had Susan Mc Clure and she was great. You respected her as she went through some of the same things our family went through with Alzheimer’s…so you understood at the age of 9. This was a great year for us. Fifth grade..the last year of Elementary. The last year of our innocence. You have grown so much since you were 5. I look at you everyday and see something different.
I know middle school will bring you so much happiness, new beginnings, and hope. Along with make up, cell phones and boys…how I would love to wait and start back in kindergarten again. Just remember where you came from, who loves you and what you are about. I wish you all the stars in the sky…all the fireworks you can find and plenty of sunshine on rainy days. Remember life is about taking chances and loving who you are. You are a Christian. And our daughter. We want everything in this world for you. I have prayed for you everyday since you were born. God blessed us so much with you. Know this. Always remember your faith.
Love you baby,
Mom, Dad, Miler & Lucky
And they do grow up so fast.
I just know that before I know it, Eve will be graduating 6th grade. Sigh.
I hope it is a wonderful summer, and that the two of you grow even closer.
Good luck next year Madison, I am sure you will love growing up and enjoy new friends and a new school. You are very pretty and the way your mom describes you very smart too. God Bless you and may life bring you many more joyous years.
Beautiful, heartfelt post and I'm just so happy for you and her.
Hopefully I'll be blogging again...I have internet again! Missed ya!