Thursday 13.......

13 Things That Are Going On In My Life Right Now!!!!
1. Not the picture I have down loaded........I do however have 2 massage gift certificates and no time to go.......I know I need to make time...but really I have no time.
2. My house may sell this weekend...and I only have one house on the market to go look at. The one I really liked....not so good now.
3. Madison has gone back to the doctor with upper respiratory problems....she is however back at school and not contagious.
4. Miller is running a low grade just cant catch a break...this could be teething since the top molars are coming through
5. Soccer Practice starts tonight for Spring soccer.....2 hour practices 2 times a week...and we travel on Saturdays to surrounding counties...some as far as 2 hours away...
6. My dad is in Florida on his golf trip and my mom's back is out so I'm cooking for her every night and trying to keep Miller off her as much as possible.
7. Miller went to his first play date today...he had a ball. He was so cute....played with basketballs and hoola hoops the whole time.
8. Madison has 3 plays coming up...I'm so confused on all of them...I don't know how she keeps her lines straight in all of them...makes me a nervous wreck.
9. It was 65 degrees here yesterday and Miller got to play outside for the first time since summer....when he was very little.
10. I have some friends with "issues" right now and I just pray for them and hope things go okay for them.
11. I do love my television..I know this sounds crazy...but when things don't go my way or I'm stressed I can always watch all my shows and feel at little time away from life.
12. Today is grocery day and this means Miller goes to mom's for an hour....or so .....a little time to myself.
13. My dog needs his toe nails clipped somehow I will have to tackle him to get him in the jeep along with Miller and drive to the vet to have them clipped because I cant do them.....and chase Miller around the vet...wish me luck.
Have a Happy Thursday friends....
(I;m sure someone will...)
I remember all that weekend travel for the girls' sports. When I look back on those days, I honestly don't know how I worked full time and kept up with all. No wonder I'm still recovering! LOL
Let's hope the baby's fever is teething and let's hope Madison stays healthy enough to not miss school. Or all her other activities, for pete's sake.
Good luck w/the house.
If you can't find time for the massage, let me know and I'll go have one for you. :)
Sounds like you need that massage more than anything.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!