Just another Manic Monday

Monday......Cheesy Ham and Hash brown Bake...with fruit
Tuesday......Chili and Mexican Cornbread
Wednesday.....Talapia with veggies and rice
Thursday........Madison has a Mother/Daughter Banquet at school we are going too. (Scott & Miller will eat Pizza)
Friday..........We have a soccer meeting with the parents and Madison has an activity at church...so not sure this night....sandwiches maybe.
Saturday.......We have a Valentine Banquet with our Sunday School Class I'm planning...it's catered....with a DJ
Sunday.........Italian Beef Sandwiches with provolone cheese, and chips

Friday afternoon consisted of me taking a shower and getting ready while Miller slept....it was nice felt like I was single again taking my time and all. Then Madison came home...4pm. My girlfriend was to pick me up at 5:30 for Girls Night Out. Madison was as pale as a ghost.....really. I took her temp and it was 101.7......at 4:40 it was 104.8 yes again.........so off to the bathroom we go drawing luke warm bath water. I'm getting to be a pro at this....maybe I should go to nursing school....anyway....it took 30 minutes to get it down to 102.3...but it did...while this is going on Miller is standing on the other side of the gate to the bathroom crying because he cant get in...Scott is still at work. So at 5pm I call my friend and yes cancel. I headed the whole darn thing up and I cant even go. I'm so sick of sickness by this time I could scream. So I put her in bed and pour myself a glass of wine turn Barney on for Miller and start to have a pity party for Jen......so I email my good friend Barb to vent and try to understand why I have been cooped up in this house for more than a month with sickness and how I needed this night. She gave me great advice by the way, I tell ya I'm fine with it now....but sometimes you get tired of all of it and when there is sickness it is always worse. So at 6pm the after hours Dr calls and says they will call an anti biotic in for the morning that it is probably viral again....very contagious. So Saturday morning we all slept until 7am...yes this was very nice....and the Dr office calls back to verify her temp...which was kind of strange...but okay. Then they call back and say the Dr wants to see her ASAP. I'm thinking what? I'm cleaning the outside of the fridge in my pajamas...hair on top of my head and no MAKEUP whats so ever on. SO we do a mad sweep to get ready and head out. Miller and Scott are at home dis infecting. SO I get there...we go through a separate door of the office and I'm thinking we have some crazy disease. We wait and not one Dr but 2 come in.......I'm thinking mono or strep throat. They do a Strep Test and it usually takes 10minutes to come back....hers came back in 60 seconds...POSITIVE. So I think okay anti biotics....NO.....the Dr says we have 2 choices....a. Madison gets this new shot that goes in her Sciatic Nerve and its not liquid it's powder. It will have to stay in her leg for about 20 seconds and will hurt for 3 days......or b. be admitted into the hospital.....the strep is so bad.....they are scared it will start to make rounds around hr body like it did 3 years ago....she was very sick. So I look at her and say well...sounds like we do the shot....okay people Madison is terrified of shots....hates them...she is not your normal 9 year old..she has to be strapped down and weighs 78 pounds and is verrrrrry strong. She is flipping out and I'm saying get the shot...I cant stay in the hospital all weekend so they can monitor you. You know we have to do this....you can do this....you can. SO we strap her down....and she is biting my coat.........screaming. while 2 nurses hold her still. The shot takes oh about 30 seconds....the longest 30 seconds of my life people.....so when it's over she cant walk...and she has her Healeys on with the rollers out.....if you don't know what they are they are tennis shoes\roller skates so I'm trying to help her down 5 floors without falling and through the parking lot...yes she is still trying and its big time drama......so I get her a root beer at A&W and she drinks all of it....we get home and I take Miller to mom's because she is very contagious....and she throws up...so I'm cleaning this up....her fever is 102......and I'm exhausted...this all happens before noon! SO......as the day goes on she slept and cried and couldn't move her leg.......Saturday night Miller went down rather early......and we watched You, Me and Dupree...while Madison laid in her bed and watched a movie.......Sunday morning she still had fever.....no church for us.....and we laid around all day watching Nanny Mc Fee and other shows....getting ready for Super Bowl...as of last night at 9pm her fever was 100....yes she is home today....acting fine....98.6.....but the Dr said she isn't cured until she has been fever free for 24 hours....so I wait...I wit for her to get well....so I can leave the house and be normal again...unless of course Miller gets it. Which we have done a good job of keeping them apart. I have alot going on this week......Planning this Valentine Banquet....Madison has a soccer game coming up, volleyball try outs, and acting lessons which she has missed for 2 weeks with sickness. So......I think I have had my share of being sick.....its someone else's turn.....maybe today will be a turn in the road...God only knows I need it.
I'll try to take one day at a time but lately several days have attacked me at once....Jennifer Unlimited
((((Hugs)))) and Prayers for healing for your family......
Love the menu line up!!!
I mean get together, after you're all done with the sickness!! LOL. So sorry you've been stuck in the house. It starts making you depressed after so long, doesn't it? I'll pray that this will over for you now!!
Anyways, have a terrific week.
Happy Library Lover's Month.
Madison sounds like my 10 year old. She would have had to be strapped down for that too. WOW. How scary too. I am glad that part is over for ya'll and hope this week is better for you!!
You poor thing. I know it'll just about do you in if Miller gets this, too, so I'm praying all your precautions work and he escapes this one.
And I'm REALLY praying it works out so you can get out with your girlfriends soon. You seriously need a break!
Maybe I'll also pray for an early end to winter - I think you've had about enough of this one! Keep your chin up.
Great sounding menu too, I would be glad to stop by tomorrow and help polish off that chili and cornbread!!!
Hang in there Jen :)
We are all sickies in my house now and it is so not fun.
Hang in there!