
I remember how anxious she was to see and hold you. We told her we were pregnant with you in Disney World.....she couldn't believe it. And the moment we found out you were a boy she was right there....she will always be there for you.

Madison was right outside the door and heard you cry for the first time...she held you first.....and boy was she proud!
You were 8 pounds 9 ounces and 22 inches long.

This was your first Christmas....our Christmas Card actually. You were only 3 weeks old here and I was too scared to take you out yet. We did Christmas pj's and Santa hats..something simple. You were 4 weeks old at Christmas last year and so little. That was a Christmas we will never forget. Our new edition.

Here you are on dad's shoulder and your 8 weeks old. You were bright eyed this day. You have the prettiest eyes. And your dad's look. You are such a handsome little man. I remember holding you and looking at you thinking...I never want this moment to end. I enjoyed loving on you and staring at you.

You were always flirty with women.
Look at your smile.

This picture was when you were 7 months old...and of course you have a ball in your hands. You love balls of all sizes. And if daddy has anything to do with it you will play Basketball for Kentucky......this is papaw's favorite picture of you......Our little Wildcat........

You have had 2 haircuts since. You just sat in my lap like a little man and didnt say a word. You are 8 months old here.

This is the same day as your haircut...but this is an after shot...I just love the photo.

This is you at the Pumpkin Patch. You had a really good day. You picked out a pumpkin and we painted it.
It all began one year ago today. You came into my life and I have loved every minute of it. They said I would never carry another baby...they were wrong. I have loved you since the moment I knew I was pregnant. And I will love you forever.
I tagged you for a meme.
Have a Happry Birthday. little man.
Tell me how MOPS is going.
BTW, what's your secret in keeping Miller "sitting like a man" during haircuts?
I've got a picture of Drama Queen holding The Snitch when she was only 30 minutes old.
Happy Birthday Miller!
Could he be any cuter?
Happy Birthday to Miller :)
PS: I enjoyed the pic of you, too. Somehow I pictured you with long dark hair. Isn't that funny!?
I got here through Cece.