Girl Talk

Good Morning....come on in and grab some coffee, creamer, or tea or coke...or whatever you want. Lets talk.......
I thought I would do Friday's as Girl Talk....I kinda like this. So here my life today is Walmart...yes the dreaded Wally World. I have to gt my nails done today and lunch with a girlfriend.....this always nice. I have so many girlfriends I'm so thankful for. Have I told you all that I have decided to be on the Leadership Team for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)...I'm very excited about this. This will help me find some great stay at home mom's going through the same thing I'm going through. Our meetings are going to be once a month and I'm so thrilled about this. I'm the Hospitality Leader.....and cant wait to start planning things. It's going to be great for mom's out there going through the same things and will be able to talk about it. I look so forward to doing this and cant wait to share it with you all.
This weekend will be kind of laid back. Scott has to work Saturday so I'm taking the kids shopping.....yep.....we are going to the mall on a SATURDAY!!!!! I know what am I thinking...well, this is the only way I can get Madison there to try things on so I must pull out all forces and go. It will be okay. We are staying home Saturday night and renting some movies and dining in. I thought I would make Sandra's Baked looks so good. I have a crazy busy week ahead of me. I think I have something to do everyday and night. But that is okay I know the holidays are approaching so the running will get worse. I have almost FINALIZED Christmas cards......I have almost FINALIZED menus...and I have FINALIZED Christmas lists. My December calender looks crazy.....but I love it this way. What kind of things do you have going on in the next couple of weeks?
Miller is walking everywhere and getting into everything...we have gates up everywhere.....he will be one in 4 weeks...I cant even figure out where the last 11 months has gone to. Last year at this time...I was very very pregnant and counting the days to I'm planning his first birthday party....which will be very quiet and private...
Madison is doing great.....that girl goes more than Scott and I do together....
Scott has a birthday coming up too......
And...guess what??????? My friend Chrissa just did her 100th post go read about her....mine is this week.......I'll have to start on it soon.
I hope you all have a great weekend.....I'll post pictures of the kids this weekend so come back and visit......
I'm going to Wal Mart today, too...ick again!!
Thanks for the mention! I can't wait for your 100th post!!
Hope you have a great day!!
You're busy! I don't envy you taking the kids to the mall on a Saturday but when else can you do it, right? Krissy just asked me last night if me and her and Mandy could go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year. I said yes, of course, but ugh..
You know, like everyone, I occasionally find myself at Walmart but I hate, hate, hate it. That's one crowded store and they keep rearranging everything. I don't like that store but there are just some things you can get so much cheaper there. Have fun. Glad it's you and not me. :-)
Well, that sounded a little mean.
Have fun at the mall - we hardly ever go to the mall - it's so packed! However, I have taken advantage of my kids being in school and stopped in on a couple of occasions. I DO NOT envy you taking 2 kids this close to Christmas.
As for your MOPS adventure, I am so envious! We do not have one in my area! One had just started up when we left MD and I was thrilled, having just had Matt. We moved here when he was 4 1/2 months old only to find there was no MOPS and still isn't!!! :( Have a great time!!!!!!
Have a good weekend!
Wow Miller will be 1. I can't believe how fast it goes. Hopefully he will not pull everything off your tree, but you know how that goes. Boys will be boys.
Good luck with the MOPS. Who better to be the hospitality lady but you. You have the coffee and creamer covered already. I would definitely join you if I could.
I cannot believe Christmas is coming up so fast. I have my 8 year oldd birthday on Dec. 20th so I have to plan this too. I am stressing just thinking about i.
Have a nice weekend.
I have heard of MOPS. It sounds fun and you will be great in your job.
Wal-Mart. Do you find yourself partial to your walmart? I can't stand to go to any other walmart except for Benton, because at 2 am, if I need a child's suppository, I can go right to it. Seriously. Happened. Although Pad. and Southside have much better clothing selections. And I hate to admit I don't hate going to Walmart.
I am very long winded tonight. Have a good day tomorrow.
Can't wait to find out what you got, and I am a Walmart girl, I'm always there, though like Barb I get frustrated with the constant rearranging.
Have a wonderful day, and thank you for being such a great friend and so sweet with me all the time, I know I haven't been the best of blogging buddies this past week, hopefully it all changes soon :)
Big hugs Jen :)
Glad you are getting things on your list done. I've been THINKING about making out Christmas cards. *sigh*