Happy Spring

The house is still for sale. We have some people coming tonight to talk about some things. They dont want the pool...so we will have to figure that one out when it comes down to it. It's only been for sale for 2 weeks...and it has worn me out....I mean worn out. Keeping the house clean 24/7 is insane.
I have been walking 3 times a week with a great friend. We really enjoy the time together.
American Idol is on tonight......if Sangaii doesnt go home I may scream. I started watching 2 new shows...Wedding Bells and October Road....both really cute shows...you should try them.
Hope you all have a great day....Happy Spring.
I do hope your house sells soon. We almost put our house on the market and I must say I was DREADING it! I'm glad we changed our mind.
Best of luck to you!
I am so busy trying to get ready for our trip with packing and everything else for that. I need to email you sometime. My husband and I are thinking about heading to your neck of the woods the second weekend in April for a little get away while the girls stay with my mom and dad.
Have a great week!
It is crazy trying to keep a house clean all the time like that.
Ready for Idol tonight and I agree, Sanjaya NEEDS to go! But I think April is right, that website vote for the worst is keeping him around because they have convinced people to vote for him.
I'm with you on Sanjaya on American Idol, I'm so frustrated already, why is he still there????? I can't believe Stephanie got voted off and Sundance too, and this guy remained??? Boggles my mind.
Good luck with the house selling :)
I have never sold a house, and now you're making me totally dread having to keep it clean all the time. Ugh. What a pain.
Watching Idol now, and man, Sanjaya and that hair and him in general just need to go AWAY!
When is October Road, what night?
Have a great week!
Have a great week and happy spring to you too :)
Good luck on the house...hope it sells soon!
Hope you sell your house fast. The showing sounds insane.
I've enjoyed visiting your blog. You mentioned 'October Road'. Our daughter lives in Madison, Georgia. Last summer while we were there, men were wiring fall lives on trees with green leaves for filming a series. All the towns people thought it was hilarious. The series was 'October Road.'